Who we are

Giorgio & Alicia
We met each other at the Swiss Youth Parliament in 2018. Since then we adventured, bet, cooked, danced, escape-roomed, flew, giggled, hiked, invented, joked, kissed, laughed, marvelled, napped, organized, played, quizzed, road-tripped, slept, traveled, unicorned, visited, wandered, xplored, yawned, zoomed, …. If you have any questions regarding the wedding feel free to reach out.

Bastien is from Valais, the second most-sunny region after Ticino. He studied electrical engineering with Giorgio and was his flatmate for four years. Together they faced everyday challenges such as doing the laundry and cleaning their apartment.

As the brother of the bride, no need to explain the special place Marc holds in our hearts. After studying microtechnology and working for some years, he took the decision to leave his 9-5 job and become a pilot (maybe, it’s a family thing, but who knows?).

Emile is our master of ceremony. Born and raised in Val Onsernone, he is a private pilot and he studied in Zurich where he lived with Alicia and Giorgio. He works for the Swiss Government in Chur. He is fluent in German, Swiss German English, Italian, French and Spanish but don’t ask him if he likes “Flammkuchen”.